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Unlock Maximum Shopify SEO: Top 5 Apps to Dominate Search Results in 2024

Driving consistent organic traffic to your Shopify store requires strong SEO foundations. While Shopify offers some built-in metadata tools, fully optimizing pages for search comes down to implementing key apps that make search visibility effortless.


In this guide, explore the top 5 essential SEO apps for Shopify stores to accelerate finding and ranking for untapped keywords, optimizing pages, earning high-quality backlinks at scale, beating competitors and analyzing success.

Find Untapped Keywords with SEO Auditing Apps

The first step toward search optimization involves researching relevant keywords aligned to your products that buyers are searching but you haven’t targeted yet in metadata or content.

SEO auditing apps analyze site pages to identify gaps in current keyword usage compared to search volume around those terms. Optimization opportunities related to ranking difficulty then become clear.

1. Ryviu SEO Audit App

Ryviu scans product and blog pages on a Shopify store uncovering relevant keywords with strong buyer intent not currently targeted. It reveals high potential search terms driving competitors organic traffic that could easily apply to your own offerings.

Their auditing identifies both head keyword and long-tail optimization opportunities perfect for content expansion. See exactly what your store could additionally rank for.

Price: 7 day free trial, then $9.99/month basic and $19.99/month pro plans

2. Shopify SEO App by ShopRank

ShopRank identifies both individual keyword gaps plus groups related terms together into clusters by common buyer intent. This enables targeting groups of traffic interests (like varying product-focused searches) instead of single isolated terms.

Their custom recommendations and list import features help compile massive keyword lists to fuel content endeavors spanning months. Gain more ground through expanded optimization scope.

Price: 14 day free trial, then $5 base and $12 pro monthly plans

Optimize for Mobile and Page Speed Crawls

With over 60% of searches happening on mobile devices, delivering fast, responsive storefronts carries tremendous SEO weight in outranking competitors. Page speed apps help diagnose or instantly improve site velocity metrics.

3. NitroPack

NitroPack creates optimized cached versions of storefront pages for instant loading to visitors. By pre-building page variations, sites serve accelerated versions to Googlebot for much better crawl efficiency while letting customers access sites up to 300% faster.

Dramatically lowering server response and page load times improves CX-focused Core Web Vitals metrics that now directly influence Google rankings.

Price: 14 day free trial, then plans from $9.90/month

4. PageFly

Beyond just speed, delivering engaging and conversions-focused landing pages falls to the PageFly app. With hundreds of flexible templates, it makes building SEO-friendly pages easy through drag and drop while expertly integrating ecommerce elements like calls-to-action and dynamic forms.

Well-designed page layouts keep visitors focused on products and calls-to-action for higher Goal Completions tracked in Google Analytics from core pages.

Price: Free with Shopify plan, paid templates from $12/month subscription

Build Backlinks at Scale for Higher Rankings

While technical optimization sets up pages for indexing success, acquiring backlinks through digital PR and outreach elevates overall domain authority and page-specific ranking ability long-term.

This app automates outreach to highly authoritative sites in your industry to request backlinks through roundup inclusion, product features and best-of lists related to your store offerings.

By persistently pitching relevant sites, the odds of earning published endorsements rises substantially over time which transfers SEO power to your pages. Results expand organic reach faster than typical manual efforts.

Price: 15 day free trial, then $47 base and $97 premium monthly plans

Monitor SEO Performance with Analytics

Rounding out SEO visibility involves tracking key metrics like rankings, traffic and conversions to gauge ongoing efforts against benchmarks.

6. Shopify SEO Reports by ShopRank (Additional)

Within onedashboard, ShopRank compiles key organic performance metrics including:

📈 Position tracking for targeted keywords
📊 Traffic and conversions by landing page
📉 Site authority metrics over time

Monitoring changes across core SEO KPIs helps assess ongoing optimization work while informing areas needing additional focus.

Price: 14 day free trial, then $5 base and $12 pro monthly plans

Climbing shop search standings requires playing to what algorithms reward – comprehensive technical optimization, excellent content, and overall site authority. Employ these handpicked apps for maximizing all essential SEO pillars simultaneously.